Don’t Kick The Chair


Sorry for the long break, I’ve been apathetic for the last ten days or so. Daily routine has involved watching TV, reading books on the lanai, a walk every day around sunset, repeat. Good thing school starts in less than two weeks, so I can stop this “I have nothing to do”-routine. I’m bored. Luckily people are coming back now, from vacation that is, so I can be social again.

One of the series I’ve been watching this past week is the British TV-series Misfits, a gritty sci-fi series that combine the best of Skins and Supernatural in one sweet, perverse and very teen-Brit package. Majorly offensive, and super-hilarious, and good enough to win the BAFTA for Best Drama Series last year. Just finished season 2 of the series, and am currently wrestling between a passion for handsome but crazy Nathan, and the strange – but potentially badass – Simon.

Any other Misfits-fans out there?

11 thoughts on “Don’t Kick The Chair

    • Sofie, det er det jeg også tenker. Vil ikke begynne på sesong 3, fordi det blir ikke det samme. Tror jeg.

      Nina: nå kommer jo folk heldigvis fra og med mandag ca, så det hjelper. Hipp hurra hurra !

  • I followed the series until Nathan left for no apparent reason in season 3. It’s not at all the same without his crude humor and pervertedness. Darn!

    • Camilla: you need to see the Las Vegas episode. He’s in jail, which is why he isn’t there in season 3 (that, and the fact that Robert Sheehan quit the show to do other things).

  • Hanne: har fremdeles ikke funnet noe jeg kan klage over (annet enn trafikkaoset her, men that’s to be expected).

  • Jeg elsker Misfits! Har vært hekta i over to år nå. Nathan er rett og slett fantastisk, men Simon er en skikkelig bad-ass hunky dude!

  • Hilde: agreed ! Har du sett sesong 3? Jeg kvier meg fremdeles litt for å begynne å se den.

    Antònio: haha, thank you! Maybe I will ;)

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