Day 3: Hike to Hanakapi’ai Falls

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One of the greatest hike’s in Hawai’i, if not in the world is the Kalalau Trail along the Napali Coast on Kauai’s north shore. Karoline and I opted for the first 2 miles of it, to Hanakapi’ai Beach, and then continued up to the beautiful Hanakapi’ai Falls.

In retrospect an 8 mile hike under a scorching sun is not the best idea we’ve ever had, but the trip itself was beautiful beyond comparison. Inspired by the sheer sporty-ness of it all I did gymnastics tricks all through the trip (and only felt sort of goofy and stupid for doing so), and am happy to inform you that I still maintain some of the flexibility from my dancing career.

Finished the hike with a dip in the ocean at Ke’e Beach, had a well-deserved dinner in Hanalei before we returned to Ke’e  to watch the sunset. Kauai is so peaceful, I can’t think of any place I’d rather want to live right now. If you get the chance to visit the Hawaiian islands in your life, I have to recommend Kaua’i.

It is by far my favorite (even though I do love Oahu).

5 thoughts on “Day 3: Hike to Hanakapi’ai Falls

  • Lettare irritert over bilete nr.3. Det er så typisk: alle som sluttar med dansinga er framleis mjuke. Eg som prøver å halde liv i skrotten med klassisk, er stivare enn nokon sinne. Eg vil ha eit blogginnlegg om tøying!!!

    Sanninga er vel at eg sjeldan er i tøye-humør. Enda godt at eg, på ein god dag, klarer å halde balansen på demi point i attitude.

  • Får ikke noe mindre lyst til å komme på besøk av å se dette her, for å si det mildt. :D Og btw – Richard sier hei, du er savnet, og det blir partyparty når du kommer hjem igjen.

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