What I’m reading right now


While my curriculum keeps me from embracing new novels at the moment; newspapers, magazines and journals are all keeping me busy between classes and on the subway. The world never stops turning and brilliant people keep churning out exciting new discoveries, journalists keep writing captivating pieces and technological masterminds keep devising new ways to steal away all of my free time. Oh, and bloggers keep going on exotic vacations that makes me dream about lazy days on the beach in Hawaii. Here’s some of what I’ve been reading and liking this week:

  • Recently, Dutch scientists have developed a method for discovering cancer through just a small drop of blood.
  • “How could a crass, bigoted bully with a narcissistic-personality disorder and policy views bordering on gibberish “defy political gravity,” dominate the national stage, make monkeys out of pundits and pollsters, and pose an existential threat to one of America’s two major parties?” Read about why Donald Trump is saving US democracy here.
  • I’m going to Tokyo in two weeks, so I’ve been browsing the interweb lately looking for tips to bring with me in my virtual sightseeing-guide. Blog star Jessica Stein’s guide from her September in Tokyo is my favorite so far.
  • A Swedish software developer has brought to life that one thing that I’ve been dreaming about since I saw my first sci-fi movie: computer chips integrated into the human body. In this case a chip that with some work will replace the function of your credit card or Apple Pay, so you can essentially pay for stuff with a swipe of your hand. Sign me up!
  • A different look at one of the downsides to rise of the Asian tigers, specifically poverty and the surge of “lonely deaths” in Korea.
  • Are you working 12 hour days and feeling exceedingly proud of yourself? I am, but after reading this article I think I might have to start reorganizing my work schedule.
  • Google has create an app for all of those times you want to hang-out but don’t want to message everyone you know: Who’s down?

What are you reading these days?