Hawaii. In the end of August I am moving to Hawaii to study journalism at Hawaii Pacific University. As in, I am moving, on my own, alone, to the other side of the world. 3 years. Somewhere between super excited and scared to the bone at the moment. Will fill you in later, right now I need to nurse my head and body as I have gotten a serious case of the flu.
You can find the answers to the crossword right here.
crossword_me (obviously)
Wow så spennende :D modig jente!
oh holy crap! congrats! that’s so thrilling! You are studying for a year there then?
Sjalu ganger tusen!! Gratulere!
Først og fremst, så fint sommerlig bilde av deg :) Lenge siden jeg har husket ;) Og så spennende at du skal til Hawaii. Høres helt fantastisk ut å studere journalistikk der. Hvor lenge blir du?
Hoi! Det blir spanande!!!:D
Oh my gosh, you hit the jackpot! To study in Hawaii – that’s every North American’s dream and you got it! You will be closer to me since I live right next door to the States, in Canada =)
But I thought you were originally just planning to study a semester or something? Well either way, CONGRATS!
oh my, that is amazing: congratulations! i’m so happy for you!
!!!! <3
Så spennende! Det blir nok supert! Jeg skal flytte til London for å ta en master i journalistikk der:)