

I think I’ve told you all about my previous attempts at surfing (which ended in disaster in a manner of speaking), and how I postponed any further attempts until my family showed up so we could attend some sort of beginner’s course. Well, today we drove out to Malaekahana to give it another try, this time with the guys from Hans Hedemann Surf. And may I say score, high five and mahalo. I really had a blast, even though my arms were swearing at me after the first 10 minutes of paddling (I really don’t have paddling muscles, or arm muscles for that matter). I also dived head first into the waves a couple of times, but that’s to be expected. By this time next year, I’ll be a pro. For sure.

Have you ever tried surfing?

5 thoughts on “Surfin’

  • Jeg har aldri prøvd, men kjempe lyst å prøve når jeg blir bedre i ryggen. Er ganske proff på snowboard, men surfing er kanskje mye vanskeligere? :) Ser i alle fall ut som du har teket da

    • Veronica: Surfing er (dessverre) absolutt ikke som snowboard på noen som helst måte, trodde jeg skulle ha en fordel der, men det er virkelig to forskjellige verdener. Personlig mener jeg at snowboard er enklere for nybegynnere, men folk er litt uenige der. Noe av det vanskeligste så langt for meg (ved siden av det å finne balansen på brettet) er å vite hvilke bølger man skal velge, igår fikk vi hjelp av instruktørene, men det blir neste ting jeg må lære. Kjempe gøy er det ihvertfall uansett !

      Kristine: det var relativt awesome !

      Paula: It is all about getting out there and forcing yourself to try, with an instructor it’s not really that hard. I got up on the board each and every time, so now it’s just all about finding the balance. Get out in the ocean, girl !

  • how nice! i havent dared the ocean yet, i will do this summer… at least one hour with an instructor to see if i can also find the magic in the surfing… cause when i look in the water, there are so many heads.. and i do have a long board… just need to learn.
    hope you are having a great time with your family!

  • i thought i had commented here. the pictures from the post above are amazing, how is possible that an ocean has such a pretty color? turquoise or sth, very nice. very sunny days you guys are having in hawaii.

    i am still waiting to take my surfing classes… the biggest shame is that i have a longboard at home just waiting to get used.

    hope you guys are having fun!

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