A thousand butterflies


Since last Saturday; life happened. And school. And master applications. And newspaper designing. Finals are coming up and the amount of homework the teachers are piling on us is borderline ridiculous, but I’ll get through it somehow. I have decided to go ahead and apply for a Master in Communication, instead of finishing my bachelor. In retrospect I should probably have done that in the first place seeing that I already had a bachelor from back home, but I sort of like being an undergraduate, and I think introductory courses are really fun. The reason why I changed my mind is really because the faculty editor at the newspaper told me to. And I think I ought to trust him. He is grown up and stuff. Which usually counts for something. So anyways, fingers crossed for me, I think I deserve to start a new and better life as a grad student come this Fall.

In the meantime I’ll just continue doing my homework, and try in every way to prove that I am a really committed student. Which I am. Or at least trying very hard to be. Every day.

photos_borrowed from briana

2 thoughts on “A thousand butterflies

  • Finges are already crossed! Are u planning on doing your masters In hawaii or somewhere else? Good luck!

    • Hawaii. This place is growing on me, can’t imagine living anywhere else as of right now. :)

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