Roadtrip: Loa Campus


Dragged my roommate along for a road trip to the Hawai’i Loa Campus – also known as the other HPU campus – today to take pictures of “tree-hugging garden-hippies” (their words) for the student newspaper. As a part of a sustainability project put together by Permablitz Hawaii, volunteers both from HPU, alumni and the community around the school came together to clean up an existing taro patch, and also to plant two new patches to grow more actual edible food on campus.

It is such a peaceful experience to travel from the concrete jungle that is large parts of Honolulu, to the lush green and humid climate of the Loa campus. The contrasts between the Downtown campus in the middle of the business district, and the Loa campus couldn’t be larger. I think I need to spend more time up there. Even though it usually rains a lot more there than it does in the city. It’s like every HPU student’s private retreat in the mountains.

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