Beer-flavored ice pops in Hongdae


The temperatures in Seoul right now are hot and humid. Cold noodles (YUM!) and ice cream has turned into a crucial recipe to secure my survival, and this past weekend we went looking for a very specific ice cream shop in Hongdae: Molly’s Pops. I discovered this while trekking through a myriad of Seoul-related blogs, and was intrigued when I heard that they served flavors like Erdinger beer, wasabi and strawberry + wine.

I chickened out and went for the latter, but I will return to test both the beer and the wasabi ones. Strawberry and wine tasted like a very (!) mild sangria, and was refreshingly sour, so I was happy.

This week classes finally started, and I am trying to learn the Korean alphabet as we speak. It is both tougher and easier than I imagined, if that’s possible. Today I learnt a very important phrase for my continued stay in Korea: 몰라요 (pronounced: mollayo). It means “I have no clue/I don’t know”, and will undoubtedly be one of my favorite words here.

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