Being multicultural and all







Today was Intercultural Day at school, which was celebrated with representatives from  20 different countries (out of the approximately 100 we have at HPU) all lined up with booths, traditional costumes, music, singing and dancing. HPU is a very culturally diverse university, and personally I know people from Bangladesh, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, France, Belgium, Australia, Philippines,  to name a few. To study communication in this setting is pretty ideal I would say. Then again I am so biased by now, that you shouldn’t really trust anything I have to say about the university, I am crushing big time. Mostly because everything is going my way. Here’s to hoping it’ll stay that way !

BTW, little known fact about HPU: Sarah Palin attended the school back when it was just a college in 1982.

2 thoughts on “Being multicultural and all

  • Heldige du!
    Vurdera HPU eg også, men dei hadde ikkje den graden innanfor biologi som eg hadde lyst til å ta. Endte opp i Skottland istadenfor.

  • Klarte Sarah Palin å finne vegen til Hawaii?? Wow, det hadde eg ikkje trudd om den dama.

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