I have a question for you


I am usually not a fan of bloggers doing this, but then again I’ve always known that I am something of a hypocrite. So… I was actually wondering what you guys like to read out of the things I post? What you want to see more/less of on this blog. I’ve noticed a rapid decline in commenting, and while I will continue to blog when there is no one left here to read my words, I do like to think that I am giving you some form of stimuli in your everyday life. Whether that stimuli is intellectual, artistic or mainly just something to fill a couple of minutes a day with, it makes me feel good to know that whatever I am supplying get to be a part of the routine.

But yeah, to quote Adam Lambert: “what do you want from me?”. But not in the negative context of the song, just plainly, what do you like about this blog, and what do you want to see more or less of?

29 thoughts on “I have a question for you

  • I think we keep coming and just not commenting a lot. I personally like the outfits, books and pictures in general. It’s obviously full of blogs around and as one friend said once, yours is one of the few which still being about someone very stylish and with something to add. I like for the same reasons, and I am not gonna write too much. This isn’t about myself. Good night!

  • Dear Maren,

    I recently found your blog and I find it very nice. I do read it every day (in terms of how often you post). It is always very nice to hear how is your life there on that wonderful sunny island, what adventures you have. I like your photos, from the surroundings and of yourself… and as a girl, of course it’s so cool to share new stuff you buy;) It might be interesting to know, what differences you face between your university life in Hawaii and Norway, etc. Good luck and I hope it helped. Have a nice day! Milda (greetings from not so sunny Oslo)

  • I actually read your blog more frequently than I used to! I find your experiences in Hawaii fascinating, and I generally enjoy posts about your everyday life :)

  • I found your blog a long while ago and always checked it daily. Then for some reason your blog page wouldn’t load on my computer and I eventually gave up trying to find your new page. So I was delighted to stumble across it again recently! I had a lot of catching-up to do! So I found out all about your adventure to Hawaii!!!
    I check in everyday. I love your outfit posts, I am in total awe of your hair and your scenic photos are just gorgeous!
    You always have something interesting and funny to say- keep up the good work!

  • I like the blog the way it is now, a mix of photoes and text, you telling us about you everyday life. :)

  • I like that your blog is so varied! A mix of culture/entertainment, everyday life, fashion, etc. Also, your blog is one of the few where I actually read the text, not only just skim through it. :) One can always get better at commenting, though!

    Now I really want to go kayaking, btw! Love the photo!

  • I almost check your blog every day, even though it is quite different to all the other blogs I am usually following. I just like the fact that you come across as being natural and authentic and just an easy going person.
    So keep up what you’re doing girl, just continue to tell us about your adventures and your daily life in hawaii and mix it up with fashion, music and all the other stuff that is important to you :)

  • dear maren,
    do not stop blogging.
    this is a inspirational fontaine for me! i do read everyday, i used to comment a lot until i realized that maybe i was being kind of inconvenient… well, i’ve never stopped coming, i’ve been visiting this here for a loooong time… and well, I really like it! I like the looks, and the pictures, the parties, the guides, books/movies recommendantion… i like it all! so please, don’t stop blogging! this is already part of our lives.. somehow…
    keep doing what you are doing… you are doing a great job maren!

  • Jeg leser mange blogger, men kommenterer sjelden. Så tror ikke alltid at få kommentarer er et tegn på at folk ikke liker det du skriver, bare så det er sagt:) Personlig liker jeg moteinnleggene dine, bilder og tekst fra hverdagen din (spesielt nå som du bor på Hawaii blir det ekstra spennende for oss som er stuck i nord) og kultur- og litteraturinnlegg er alltid bra. Med andre ord: det du skriver om nå! Variasjon er en god ting. Keep up the good work. Bloggen din er bra!

  • HEI, I have been reading your for over a year now, and since im from I find it very cool that you’re in studiying hawaai okay back to the question
    could you make comment tab musch bigger i couldnt even see it and keep blogging about music booksa and movies and everything and since youre studying journalism why dont you write articles about what you like and stuff , and keep us updted about hawaai write about the clubs and everything
    and juat live your life <3

  • jeg synes bloggen din er veldig bra som den er, og syns det er gøy å følge deg.Liker blandingen av reise, skole, shopping, bøker..etc Jeg får aldri nok av outfit bilder da, så gjerne mer av det! :)

  • I think it works the same as with your favourite TV shows that you´re wishing the day comes to watch them…well every day I wake up I´m hoping there´s another delightful and fun post in your blog. Since I share almost every hobbie you let us know, it´s like checking on how a friend is doing, and hoping to see some pics of her new home! :P
    Keep up with your work even if the comments dont always show, you´re great.

  • outfits, music and everything you get up to in hawaii. and i miss random little personal storys about people u meet, partys you go to++ You are always being so general but I would like you to be more specific if u know what I mean?:) Let’s say you go to a party, it makes me wanna know what u did at the party, what kind of people were there and so on. And of course lots and lots of pictures, so much inspo:) And one question; Are u still friends with Marie Amanda?

    • Therese: I am. Friends with Marie that is. I just happen to be on the other side of the world which makes it hard to keep up the contact with anyone. Time-difference and all.

  • Jeg er veldig fornøyd sånn bloggen er nå jeg. Liker blogger med en blanding av mote, livet og alt mulig annet. Alltid glad i å se bilder fra reiser, så at du er på Hawaii hele tiden gjør at jeg kommer innom oftere enn før:)

  • Personally I find your blog really inspiring. I’ve always been thinking/dreaming about going abroad after high school (for studying or just traveling by myself), but I never really thought I would actually take the step. Reading your stories about Hawaii made me think about it again and now I’m seriously considering going to Australia (or maybe another country such as Thailand/Indonesia etc.) if I graduate this schoolyear. Furthermore you’re not the average blogger, you make your blog really personal and that appeals to me. I really like reading about Hawaii, you’re funny and down to earth + I like your style. I’d like to see some more outfitposts though! :)

  • jeg leser bloggen din hver dag og synes den er en utrolig stor inspirasjonskilde! personlig liker jeg veldig godt at du kombinerer så mange forskjellige tema på bloggen… hvis jeg skulle ha ønsket mer av noe hadde det vel vært anbefalinger på bøker, og kanskje om du har lest flere av en spesiell forfatter og kunne evt anbefalt en..?

  • Hey!
    I’ve read your blog (almost daily) for a year or so now, and although I hardly ever comment I still read every post. Keep up the great work and good luck with your life in Hawaii!

  • I enjoy reading your blog because I like seeing the world from a different point of view, if that makes sense? Takes me out of where I am for a little bit. I like the mix of things you share, just am shy about commenting. Best of luck to you!

  • Hey Maren,

    Been following your blog for a long time now. So I will get right to the point: I love all the posts you do, especially the ones where you merge art with intellect. Here are a couple of suggestions for future posts –

    1) What are the key differences that you see between the U.S. and Norway? Which ones took getting used to? I would love to hear about the living abroad transition!

    2) How did you make your dream into a reality? A lot of us have similar aspirations, so you are somewhat of an inspiration =)

    Thanks again for all the hard work and dedication you put into your blog!

  • I also like that you blog about various things such as school, routines, Hawaii, nerd obsessions (i.e. music, tv, books), and even when you (periodically) post your views on current events. I’ve found that most blogs chanage their content once they get popular but you’ve stayed true to your original style. And I’m not sure if I’ve answered your question but I do think you provide well edited posts not spoiled by too muany photos or little text.

  • Love the outfit pictures you post as an inspiration for my not soo frequent shopping trips. I also like the sport posts, because there are not so many blogs combining posts about fashion, activities and sport-overdoses. I really love sport, but sporty girls seem not to be too fashionable or vice versa. So I have to confess I’m addicted on a weekly basis…

  • I just love your blog the way it is. The only recommendation I can give you is probably more interior posts. But that’s my personal opinion. I’ll keep on reading your blog, even if you don’t add some interior posts.

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