hang loose


I’ve left the North Shore and am now safe and secure in my apartment again. The family left yesterday, and school doesn’t start for another 3 weeks, so I might just die of boredom by the time school rolls around. Until then I am planning to spend an adequate amount of time at the beach, some time trying to catch up on my favorite TV-series, read a book or two, and bake gingerbread cookies. But first I need to clean the entire apartment inside out, I found a (tiny) cockroach yesterday in the spice cabinet and I am currently freaking out big time.

Missing the chill life on the  North Shore and Hale’iwa already.

4 thoughts on “hang loose

  • Eg veit korleis det er å møte herr kakerlakk på kjøkkenbenken. Skulle tru det var mørkemannen sjølv som stod der og vifta med antennene sine.


  • Jeg vet akkurat hvordan du har det når det kommer til å hilse på mr. kakerlakk. Jeg var ikke en gang klar over at jeg hadde fobier inntil jeg så ham klatre på veggen. Den natten sov jeg ikke mye, for å si det sånn.

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