They call it puppy love


Meet Arwen and Ophelia. They like to nuzzle your neck, bite the collar of your jacket and fight with the coffee table. Arwen spent most of yesterday asleep on my shoulder while we had a small Lord of the Rings extended edition marathon. A friend of mine is watching them for the Hawaiian Humane Society until they are old enough to get adopted into a family that will take care of them. If they don’t get adopted, they’ll be put down. Killed. Because someone let them be brought into this world and then figured they’d be too much of a hassle. That might be one of those things that make the most angry; the carelessness, stupidity and cruelty some people show towards animals. Just look at them, how can you ever mistreat someone who trusts you that blindly?

puppies puppies2 puppies3

10 thoughts on “They call it puppy love

  • theyre so cute!
    have you bought a longboard to cruise the streets of honolulu yet? :)

  • really cute and sweet! i love dogs, have to chanel dogs (B&W) at home… couldnt live without them.
    i read Lord of the rings with a friend, the trilogy, the best three years of our life with the emotion of waiting for the movies… it is a important book for me. hope you’re doing well! beijos

  • Lucia: I know ! And no, haven’t had the time/money yet. And I keep forgetting when I do have the time/money. ;) Hawaiian time.

    Hilde: det håper jeg også, de er virkelig de nydeligste små beistene jeg har møtt på lenge.

    Paula: I watch LOTR 2-3 times a year, and I am thinking I’ll reread the books again (for the nt-time) this summer. Such a beautiful universe to get lost in.

    R: pass på, plutselig så gjør jeg faktisk det. Tror ikke Embla hadde vært så fornøyd.

    Anette: Satser på at folk som har muligheten melder seg opp ! En liten god gjerning i hverdagen som kan bety mye for et dyr som virkelig ikke har muligheten til å ta vare på seg selv.

  • Eg kan ikkje lese slike innlegg, blir altfor sint på alle dei menneska som delar likheitstrekk med ymse diktatorar og terroristar. Dessverre kjem slike vesen i alle fargar, aldersgrupper og kjønn (ikkje berre dei to konvensjonelle).

    “Gud bevare far og mor, alle barn og alle dyr på jord.”

  • Aww…this post touched me and I am scared of dogs! Made me actually want to adopt a puppy! What kind (breed) are they? I hope they find loving homes =)

  • Odette: la oss kaste alle sammen utfor et stup eller noe.
    Ria: I’m hoping that too.
    Mariam: Pitbull ! :)

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