All of this and heaven too


I have spent the last few days running around town shopping Christmas presents, meeting up with all the people who’re going away, catching precious sun time, hiking, attending parties and consumed loads and loads of coffee (and red bull). Here’s the last week in pictures.

1. Lunch and the cutest glass of water I’ve seen in a while. Yes to using glass jars for drinking more often. 2. Hallvard on the top of a cliff on the Manamana ridge line. 3. My mask from the masquerade on Friday. Did not bring my camera, so I’m stalking Facebook to find pictures from the party. 4. Kim & Anton at my favorite diner in Chinatown. Mimosa for breakfast on a Sunday is just right. 5.  Lounging under a palmtree in Waikiki on the first day of Christmas Break. 6. My favorite, high-waisted pants from Nastygal + white nail polish = perfect sunday outfit.

How has your week and week-end been?

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