
Finals week is here. Which means that I have spent most of my “free” time the last week at the library/Starbucks/newsroom/quiet place that serves coffee. Right now I am working on a 20 page paper on cognitive dissonance and How I Met Your Mother, and a 24-page-but-will-be-longer-paper on Facebook use amongst colleges students. Had to do primary research for the latter, which meant surveying my fellow students at HPU. Hypothesis: Facebook makes us more social. Conclusion: Hypothesis approved, but needs more research to be bulletproof.

So that’s what’s up. And oh, I nearly forgot: My new Canon 6D arrives in the mail tomorrow. EXCITED is an understatement.

3 thoughts on “WHO DOESN’T LOVE FINALS?

  • Weeeee for nytt kamera! :D Og lykke til med skrivingen. <3 Not that you need it.

    Btw; spørsmål – siden 6D er fullformat, betyr det at du også må kjøpe nye linser eller funker faktisk de gamle? *nysgjerrig*

  • De gamle fungerer fint. Faktisk enda finere. Når man bruker dem på 600d så blir bildet cropet, men på 6D får du hele vidden og bedre debth of field, etc.

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