Hove Festival in Motion


Found this video in my archives from last year’s Hove festival, made by the talented Solveig Selj for OsloNights.no. I miss festival summers. I’m thinking Coachella might sound fun this year, seeing as I’m already on this side of the earth and such. Have any of you been to the Coachella festival?

The music in the video is by Mayflower Madame.

5 thoughts on “Hove Festival in Motion

  • ahh, hovefestivalen. absolutt et av sommeren 2011s høydepunkt. jeg tror du kommer til å ha det utrolig bra på coachella. lineupen er alltid bra. håper jeg kan dra på den en dag.

  • hi maren! the video is great… the problem is that gets in the mood for music, people and festivals. love it!

    the latest posts are sooo nice, all of them! nice!!!

  • Merci pour le venin: det står på økonomi mer enn noe annet, skulle ønske noen kunne sende meg dit gratis. Det hadde liksom ikke gjort noe.

    Paula: yeah, miss those festivals now that it’s winter and stuff.

    Henriette: indeed. Jeg smiler bare alt for mye.

    Dorthea: Hove !

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