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Since we talked last I have been buried in homework, writing linguistics papers on gender roles and Wordfeud, a small article for the school newspaper about Joseph Kony and the Invisible Children, found articles for my research paper on “Justification of Terrorism”, watched a movie about the history of Iran and studied for various midterms and quizzes. In addition to the normal batch of homework and readings.

Needless to say I have kept myself busy, as the rain has been pouring down outside, turning the usually sunny Waikiki into a miniature-Venice. The deluge that hit Oahu (and the other islands) the last couple of days was WILD. And I mean “God punishing the world for our sins”-wild.

When weather like that hits you hard it’s good to have a bottle of red wine, a pair of sweatpants, a comfy carpet floor and the soundtrack from DRIVE. Did I mention that I’ve seen that movie four times in the last month. I think I am in love.

How is you’re week so far?

7 thoughts on “Enter title here

  • Eg vakna på måndag og no er det plutsleg torsdag. Veit eigentleg ikkje heilt kvar dagane forsvann, men eg har vore over gjennomsnittleg effektiv for å vere statleg tilsett. No er det tid for middag og litt musikk. Trur Drive passar bra, deretter blir det ein gammal Woody film. Må ha ei motgift mot den kvisekongen i Game of Thrones.

  • Odette: mindre enn en mnd til sesongstart på Game of Thrones. :D
    Na: Iran: The Forgotten Glory. Handler om Cyrus The Great og de gode gamle gamle dagene.
    Lucia: He is. He truly is.
    Tyna: thanks !

  • Hilda: The soundtrack is just pure addiction in mp3-form. (I miss my iPhone and wordfeud).

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