A picture can say more than..


Those of you who follow me on instagram know that this last week or so has been filled with sun, summer, Indian food, Madame Bovary and kiwi. For those of you who do not follow my sometimes pointless picture posts, but may now feel an urge to get updates on what I eat for lunch, what kind of coffee mug I chose for my coffee this morning and tiny glimpses of interior from the new apartment (yes, my childhood home is officially sold), just type in “mbjorgum” in Instagram’s search field and then click follow. My addiction to the app is limitless.

photos_ipad via instagram

5 thoughts on “A picture can say more than..

    • Alica: thank you !

      Nani: mahalo :D

      Tonje: har nevnt dødsstraff et par ganger i forbindelse med Breivik, men ikke skrevet noe ordentlig om det (ihvertfall ikke her på bloggen). Men er det en spesiell side av saken du er interessert i (for/imot/etisk/moralsk/uskyldig dømte/kostnader) ? Har skrevet et par oppgaver om emnet, så har linker til et par bra artikler hvis du vil ha?

      Alica: thank you, always nice to hear from the “regulars”. :) You have a nice day too!

  • Hei Maren!
    Har ikke du skrevet en sak om dødsstraff her på bloggen din en gang? Jeg mener å huske at det var deg – du har i hvert fall skrevet mye interessant! Hvis du har en artikkel om det vil jeg gjerne lese den :-)

  • I found your blog a long while ago and always checked it daily. Your blog is incredibly beautiful
    You have good day :)

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