Celebrated Rut and Cath’s birthdays yesterday at Turkish Delight with cake, balloons and turkish delights. Walking home I fell flat on my face thrice, hurting just about every bone in my body and was forced to realize that this was not my day/night. On top of that I spent the remainder of the night coughing so much I now have the taste of blood in my mouth. Yeah. Luckily I know that masses of bad karma is ALWAYS followed by days filled with tons of good karma, so I am looking forward to next week, which incidentally hosts this years Oslo Fashion Week, by:Larm and London Fashion Week.
Right now I will transport what remains of me over to ma cherie Marie who is finally back from Nicaragua. <3
Jeppers! Mor er jo fra Vennesla.
Herlige bilder! Håper du blir bedre da, for neste uke hørtes awesome ut!! :)
fin kveld. mest fornøyd med at jeg endelig fikk muligheten til å vise hvor flink jeg er til å lage mat.
Iselin: jobber med saken ;)
Gisle: virkelig. Spiste asparges til frokost på lørdag..
Hvor er MA? Snakker du med henne? Kan du få henne til å få tilbake bloggen? :-)