No phone connection. No problem. 38 hours on an (almost) deserted island on Lake Victoria.
Hi strangers! Last time I saw you I’d just moved back to Norway to become an adult, settle down, have kids, buy a house and all that jazz. Turns out (surprise!) that life – and the wanderlust – had other plans for me.
As I’m writing this I am celebrating having successfully survived my first 7 weeks in Kampala, Uganda. This city is nothing (and everything!) like I expected it to be. Wonderful, chaotic, warm, polluted, religious, friendly, alcoholic, and full of palm trees (it so nice to be back on the equator again).
This weekend I got to experience a decidedly amazing part of the country, as we left Kampala behind and travelled south to Entebbe, boarded a boat and ventured out to an island on Lake Victoria.

The next 38 hours can be summarized as follows: no cell reception (thank you, Africell), plenty of vitamin C, the best tilapia I’ve ever had, and some quality time with the hammock, and my kindle.
I came back with recharged batteries, and an urge to resurrect this old blog. It’s been 8 years since I gave
Here are some photos from our wifi-free getaway!